Saturday, September 5, 2009

The final Ireland book

Exciting news! The final Ireland book came into Encore yesterday. Now, all I'm waiting for is the backordered Mexico book from Borders.

I have decided to switch the order of things and do Ireland and then Mexico due to the complication with the last Mexico book. It won't change much. Basically just the order I need everything done in.

I will be talking to Mr. Ashley about having a time on Open House to talk with all of the 1st grade parents about the program. That will probably be the easiest time to talk with them.

My hands are feeling ok. This was definitely a LONG week, as it probably was for all of you too! I start physical therapy for my right wrist/hand next Friday(September 10), which is the same day I get the stitches taken out on the left side.

Always something, right!? How was everyone's first official week of school?

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