Today, we have a very special edition for you. Both first grade teacher have agreed to participate in an interview. We will remind you that the teachers are working with Hannah Cerasoli on a hidden topic, maybe they will be able to give us more information. Without any further wait, the interview:
P.J. - Mrs. Langley, Mrs. Ehret, thank you for joining me today.
Mrs. Langley - No problem, P.J.
Mrs. Ehret - Yes, glad to work you in.
P.J. - So, you both know Ms. Hannah Cerasoli.
*Both nod in agreement*
P.J. - Can you tell me about what she is doing?
L - Yes, we can. She is working on a project called Hannah's READ Program(Reading Encourages Academics and Diversity). It is for her high school thesis project. She is working with both of our classes. She comes down once a week, for each classroom, to work with our students and teach them about the culture she has chosen. Right now we're looking at Ireland. It's very interesting!
P.J. - So that's why we saw her going into the school in the middle of the day! I see know... That sounds like a very interesting project she has going.
E - It is really exciting to see it actually get started. She has been to both of our classrooms now, so the kids know that she will be coming and those kinds of things. Mrs. Langley did a nice job of explaining the program, but she left out the fact that the kids who signed up get to take home a book and activity every week! They are all centered around Ireland. Hannah hand picked all the books and created all the activities from scratch, though she told me her sister helped her brainstorm the games!
P.J. - Wow! That's pretty impressive, isn't it? She must have a lot of time invested in this so far. So, how many kids are doing it?
E - She has 7 out of 11 kids taking part in my classroom, I'm not sure about Mrs. Langley's room though. I wish the count could have been a bit higher for her, but I think she's pleased with the turnout.
L - Yes, I agree, Mrs. Ehret. I have 10 out of 12 participating. The kids all seemed very excited when she came yesterday.
P.J. - I can imagine so! If I was a kid, I would have been all over this! So how are you feeling about it thus far? Any last thoughts?
E - I think that Hannah is well on her way...she seems on top of the project and excited herself. I think that it is a great experience for her to be able to have. I'm excited to see what else she has up her sleeves!
P.J. - Thank you Mrs. Ehret. It sounds like Ms. Cerasoli is doing well with the whole thing.
L - She is, as far as I can tell. I was glad to see how well the kids responded to her. They seemed happy about the project and excited to be meeting someone new and doing something different than the regular routine of things. I, too, can't wait to see what else is coming!
P.J. - Thank you both very much for taking the time to meet with me. It has been an enlightening experience.
I am still trying to get ahold of Ms. Cerasoli for an interview. We now know what was in the crate, but there are still some unanswered questions. I will give another update when I have another update. If anyone has any information that might help me find Ms. Cerasoli, please let me know.
Stay tuned for my next post where I'll tell you what I found in one of the infamous crates that Ms. Cerasoli has. Remember, we still do not know exactly what she has in them!
P.J. - private investigator