Sunday, May 31, 2009


Hi everyone,
I just wanted to give you all a friendly reminder that there are only 5 DAYS LEFT TO VOTE!!! I have been pleased with the amount of votes so far, but if I recive more that's terrific!
Thanks for the support,

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

New change for commenting...

I know that there have been posting problems of comments for anyone without an account on blogspot or a Google account. I believe I have fixed this problem! To my knowledge, anyone can now post a comment on this blog. I know of a couple people specifically who this will help. It makes me happy to know that I fixed this problem that has been bothering me since I started the blog!
Happy commenting to all,


If you know the blog and have been faithfully following it through all of the changes and renovations, you will have noticed that the countdown gadget is back! Yay! I really liked having it. However, I could not do anything if it was having technical problems. I checked back on it today and I believe it is fixed now. We will try it again. I will keep an eye on it to make sure there are no more problems. As I mentioned before, please let me know if you are having any problems with the blog. I will try to get them resolved for you as promptly as possible.
Thanks for reading,

Follett Account

Hello again!
Yesterday, Mrs. Haynes and I were busy working again. She helped me set up and account on Follett. Follett is a book website for teachers, librarians, and educators. You can search for nonspecific books. For example, we searched India, K-3, and fiction. We recieved over 80 books. It should help me narrow down to some specific titles for the project.

I have added the website to my links, in case anyone wants more information.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Oh dear!

I have been on, once again, to check on things. I noticed that there are 3 votes for the poll so far. It's a three-way tie! Oh no! This could be an interesting ending, folks!
I'll be checking in,

Monday, May 25, 2009

A friendly reminder!

Hi all,
I have not been to the blog since Friday. I noticed that, still, only one person has voted on the poll. Just to remind you: THERE ARE ONLY 11 DAYS LEFT TO VOTE!!! So, you have less than two weeks to vote.
Thanks and, as always, vote, vote, vote!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Bad news...

This morning I came onto the blog, just to check things out. I noticed that the countdown gadget was still not working properly so I went to check it out. I found that it was recomended that I remove the gadget because it was broken. It is not just my countdown, it is the gadget as a whole. I'm sorry that it was here and now it's not!
Let me know if you are experiencing any problems with the gadgets, please.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Another Addition!

I was playing around with the "gadgets" again tonight. I stumbled upon a very cool thing. Since my program is all about books, I searched the "gadgets" for books. One that I found is the Google Book Search. It is located on the right side of the blog, underneath the poll. It is operated like a normal Google search. The only difference being that this searches books specifically. I might get rid of it if does not seem useful to me, but for the time being I thought that I would try it.
Feel free to try it out and let me know what you think!

So exciting!

Hello all! I am back again tonight...I checked up on the blog today because I was curious to see if anyone had been able to come onto the blog. Someone did because they voted on the poll! The "gadgets"(as they are referred to) are so new to not only you readers, but also to me! I think that they are very fun. A big thank you to all of my faithful readers out there! This blog would not be half the fun it is without you!
Signing off,

Thursday, May 21, 2009


As you can probably tell, I have been busy changing and adding a few things on the blog. I am pretty excited about it, actually. Here is a list of what I did:

First of all, I added a greeting at the top under the title of the blog. If any new readers join I want them to feel welcome.

Underneath the header/greeting, I added a countdown for important dates. Right now(since we do not have any more due dates this year) that date is the last day of school.

To the side, I added a poll. This will help me decide what cultures I choose to use next year. Just to let you know, the poll does have a closing date. It will close on June 6th at 8:00 PM. This gives you two weeks to vote. However, if need be I can extend the close date.

Below the poll, I added "Hannah's links". I will continue to add to this list whenever I get some new links that I have used.

I believe that is everything. Isn't that so cool?! I learned about adding gadgets from my french teacher today on our blogs. I will definitly be having some fun with this!

Vote, vote, vote!!

How the time has flown!

I cannot believe that it has almost been a month since my last post! That is just crazy! Not to worry though, I have been diligently working.

First, I have officially started my request/applying/asking for money process. I presented my Smartboard presentation(from my parent presentations in March) to the White River School PTA on April 14th. They seemed impressed by the idea, which makes me very excited. They decided to give me $150 now. They also told me that if I needed more financial help in the fall, they would probably be willing to donate again! I was so excited to hear this news. I have some other huge news about donations. I have been in contact with Mimi and Mr. Shoob through the Brie Foundation over these past few weeks. They have decided to fund me with $500 towards the program! I was delitedly shocked by this news! I am so very thankful for these donations. They will enrich the program greatly.

I believe that I have made a final decision on how the program will run next year! I plan on completing two sessions. The first session will run soon after school begins. It will run 3-4 weeks. At the end of this session, I will provide a questionaire/feedback form for the parents. The second session will run right after we all get back from Christmas vacation. I will use the time in between the sessions to make suggested changes from the parents and work on making the program the best it can be. I am still undecided on what my two cultures will be however.

I have continued to work on my thesis paper. I was having trouble making the last entry "work right" or flow well. Mrs. Haynes and I spent quite a bit of time towards making it the best paper it could be. I just recieved it back from my thesis reader on Wednesday. I recieved a 19/20 on it! She would like me to include a conclusion on it now instead of waiting for the end. That is a simple fix, I think I can do it!

There is my update for now. I know it is long, but I have not been on in so long! I will be making some updates to the website soon, possibly tonight. So...stay tuned! Thanks for reading!