Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Updates!!

Hello everyone!
First of all, let me say that I'm sorry I've been gone for so long! I have been EXTREMELY busy between the take-home portion of Hannah's READ Program, in-class portion of Hannah's READ Program, finals at school, scholarships, and other "stuff"!! I know I shouldn't complain because everyone is having busy schedules, but yes, I'm busy!

My final totals are:
Mrs. Langley - 8
Mrs. Ehret - 9
Grand total - 17 participants

I am extremely happy with this turnout! Last session I had 17/23 kids and this time 17/22, so my percentage went up. I officially went up from 73% to 77%! Woohoo!! I'm happy to say that this also includes 3 new kids that did not do Hannah's READ Program for the 1st session!

I have completed my first time back in each classroom. Mrs. Langley's class was super excited to be starting up again. This is really great for me because it makes me even more excited to be doing it. Mrs. Ehret's class is very quiet, but I think they were excited too. They were more responsive to me quicker this time than last time too. We studied Mexico! We found it on a world map, which we colored in. We looked at it close-up on a map. We colored the flag. The last thing we did was speak some Spanish (Hola, adios, por favor, gracias, el chico, and la chica). The kids loved it! They had a lot of fun with it, I think.

This also means that the first folders went home. It was a struggle to get them all ready in time (I'm not gonna lie!!), but they did get finished, which is the important part. When handing them out, one student exclaimed, "YAY! Homework!!" : ) It was very cute!

Tomorrow night is my presentation for the WRS PTA that I had told you all about. It will be between 20-30 minutes long plus questions. I will be highlighting the goals of my program, the 1st session, feedback, and a sneak peek of the 2nd session. I invited 8 people and I know definitely that 6 will be coming. I also know that a couple of the parents who participated in the program last session will be there also. I'm kind of nervous, but excited for everyone to see what I've accomplished too!

Okay...I think that it...everyone take a deep breathe *breathe in, breathe out* There, don't you feel better now?? Sorry to overwhelm you! I haven't had an update and have been meaning to get on, but it just hasn't happened.

If anyone has any questions, lemme know! Sorry this is SUCH a long post!
Thanks for hanging out with me...or should I say hanging in there ; )


  1. Woo-hoo! Higher participation than last time...that's great! :)

    You should take a breather this weekend.


  2. Hey Lori!
    Sorry I haven't gotten back to you on this one! I didn't even notice it *blush*

    Yeah for higher participation!!!

    Breather...who has time for that?! I'm doing scholarships this weekend, but no homework because semester 1 is over. Finals are over.
    As Glinda would say: "Thanks Goodness!"
