Friday, July 17, 2009

Where is summer...??

I find myself questioning exactly this everyday! Where is summer? We have been on "summer vacation" for how long...? And there hasn't been that much sun! Anyway, can you tell I'm writing this as it's raining? Lol...
I have officially decided on the two cultures I will use! They will be *drum roll please!* Mexico and India. I think that they are two cultures very different from our own and each other which I feel is important. By the cultures being different from each other, the kids will have an easier time differentiating the two, I think. I have been looking at books on Follett, to see which might be appropriate to use. Follett is a very cool site. It has helped me a lot in my book choosing process.
Guess that's all the news for now! Hope everyone is enjoying their summer!


  1. Hi Hannah -- wish I could see your lists! When you get a chance on your home page (after you login to Follett)highlight the list you want to share and click share list. You can then pick a person who has a Follett account--like me (: to share it with. My user name is my full name each name beginning with a capital letter. I think that will work. Hope you are having fun! Mrs Haynes

  2. Thanks for pointing out that the links don't work! I don't think that I would have ever caught that : )
    See you soon!
