Saturday, November 24, 2012

Big things ahead!!

Helloooooo my wonderful friends!

First of all.....

I didn't have a chance to post that before Thanksgiving, but I just want you all to know that I am so thankful for what blogging has brought me. It's allowed me to find my voice a bit more, step into the world of book reviews :) and most importantly brought all of YOU into my life!! Thank you so much for sticking with me and joining me over the years.

And now, the exciting news I am SO excited to share with you all is.....

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! So excited :)
This year you have some very fun things to look forward to, my friends. I've got some cute craft ideas to share, yummy recipes for you to try, and songs to sing along with! As always, there will be some featured guests stopping by which include: The Sentinels, Mallory of Mallory's Photography, Laura Frantz, and more! 

Anyone excited with me yet!?!?!?

Okay, I will leave you for now, but please, please share my button on your blog to help me spread the word about my big blogfest, will you? The more, the merrier! You better believe there will be giveaways too!!
See you soon!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

I feel like I'm going to burst. I just feel like there's so much in my head and nothing to do with it. For some reason tonight the universe feels huge and it feels like the forces of nature are all against me. Pinning me down with nowhere to go. Why does there have to be so much hate everywhere? I just feel like....well I actually don't know anymore. Not a good night.